durum wheat 进口商
Hello I am writing to express our interest in purchasing 2700 tons of durum wheat for shipment to Algeria, 5200 tones of durum wheat shipment to Lebanon and 2000 tons of durum wheat shipment to Yemen. We are Agropaz International Limited , an agro cunsultancy company [...]
wheat durum 进口商
I looking for durumwheat in bulk packing to be exported to Djibouti Port, 500MT x12 months. What is CIF price to Djibouti Port? Thanks
durum wheat offer 进口商
Hello I am writing to express our interest in purchasing 5200 tons of durum wheat shipment to Lebanon. We are Agropaz International Limited, an agro consultancy company. We have a strong presence in the global market and a consistent demand for high-quality durum wheat [...]
durum wheat 进口商
I am writing to express our interest in purchasing ; 2700 tons of durum wheat for shipment to Algeria, 5200 tons of durum wheat shipment to Lebanon and 2000 tons of durum wheat shipment to Yemen. We are seeking durum wheat with the following specifications: Protein [...]
Bianca eksteen durham wheat 买方
Looking for Durham Wheat for Equatorial Guinea West Africa. Please quote CIF
durum wheat 进口商
I am purchasing agent of the Zhongyuan Lianchuang International Business Co., Ltd.We would like to import barley from South Arica to China. My whastapp number is +86 188 8282 5638.Our Company's website is http://www.zylcgs.com
durum wheat 买方
I looking for durumwheat in bulk packing to be exported to Djibouti Port, 500MT x12 months
durum wheat 进口商
Hello I am writing to express our interest in purchasing 5200 tons of durum wheat shipment to Lebanon. We are Agropaz International Limited, an agro consultancy company. We have a strong presence in the global market and a consistent demand for high-quality durum wheat [...]
Looking for durum wheat semolina
I looking for durumwheat in bulk packing to be exported to Djibouti Port, 500MT x12 months
Looking for durum wheat
Hi We need 25.ooo mt durum per month yearly contract. Target price 300 € CIF Italy. Can you responded
Looking for high class durum wheat gluten: 26
Hello, We are an import/export company based in Foggia, Italy. We are looking for soft and durum milling wheat
Looking for soft... durum wheat
Hello, We are an import/export company based in Foggia, Italy. We are looking for soft and durum milling wheat. BR
Looking for durum wheat triticum durum
Hello, We are an import/export company based in Foggia, Italy. We are looking for soft and durum milling wheat. BR
Looking for durum wheat offer
Hello, We are an impor/export company based in Foggia, Italy. BR
Looking for high class durum wheat gluten: 26
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for durum wheat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible
Looking for durum wheat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for durum wheat four t550 extra grade themanufacture of pasta spaghetti lasagna
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for durum wheat grade3
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for durhum wheat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for couscous durum wheat
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for durum wheat spaghetti
Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing from Odessa in Ukraine to inquire if your company can handle a large quantity of supply of your products to the government of Ukraine. Kindly reply with your product catalogues with prices if possible. I look forward to hearing from you. [...]
Looking for semolina durum wheat pasta
Dear, Royal food and drinks sarl is pasta production company in benin republique, we want to start buying your durum wheat semolina flour product kindly give us your cnf price to cotonou port
Looking for semolina durum wheat pasta
Dear, Royal food and drinks sarl is pasta production company in benin republique, we want to start buying your durum wheat semolina flour product kindly give us your cnf price to cotonou port
名称:*地址:其他,荷兰国家/地区:荷兰电子邮件:*******@********************-6 *** 148购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:荷兰
姓名:珍妮地址:德国祖鲁·纳塔尔,南非豪苏·纳塔尔,南非国家/地区:南非电子邮件:*@********************4 *** 4684购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:南非
名称:*地址:德州,墨菲,美国国家/地区:美国电子邮件:*********@********************-46 *** 467购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:美国
名称:*地址:乌克兰国家/地区:乌克兰电子邮件:*****@******************** - *** 8867购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:乌克兰
名称:*地址:澳大利亚国家/地区:澳大利亚电子邮件:*****@********************m手机:61-1 *** 6979购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:澳大利亚
我想要杜兰姆小麦50000吨从俄罗斯.pls给我cif意大利海港价格急需我w.app +******7 *@********************?麦俄罗斯Duram小麦
名称:莎莉地址:其他,喀麦隆国家/地区:喀麦隆电子邮件:****************@********************7 - *** 5067购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:喀麦隆
名称:*地址:魁北克,加拿大国家/地区:加拿大电子邮件:************@********************-51 *** 903购买产品:杜兰姆小麦进口国家:加拿大
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