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Gemsicon Private Limited


会员自: 2022
斋浦尔, 印度

About The Company

We are a Manufacturer, Wholesaler, And Exporter Of Silver, Gold, And Brass Jewelry Studded With Diamond, Semi-Precious, And Precious Gemstones. Our Manufacturing Unit is Located At  Jaipur, India, And We Export Worldwide.


Gems Icon is a leading manufacturer, exporter, and wholesaler of handmade designer jewelry. We are prominent for our innovative designs and marvelous products at reasonable prices.


Our prime focus is based on providing quality products to the clients. In order to ensure high standards of our products, we procure only premium quality raw materials from reliable sources only. After production, our quality experts stringently check the entire finished lot on various parameters such as clarity, color, polishing, calibrated sizes, and cutting. We also ensure that the quality of our products should match the international standards.


We know that one of the most meaningful and long-lasting gifts for a loved one can be a cherished piece of Gems Icon jewelry. We make most of the jewelry ourselves and take great pride in our work. At Gems Icon you will find only the highest quality jewelry and for your special occasions.


Akshay Jain
G-37, Special Economic Zone, Sitapura Industrial Area, Rajasthan, 斋浦尔 印度
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Akshay Jain
G-37, Special Economic Zone, Sitapura Industrial Area, Rajasthan, 斋浦尔 印度
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联系 Gemsicon Private Limited

* 我同意ExportHub, 的服务 条款, 隐私政策, IPR / DMCA 政策 和营销政策 出口中心

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